Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Pizza Bento

This bento allows you to make your own mini pizza. It is good cold, but if you take it to a place where there's a microwave, it's even better after zapping it briefly to melt the cheese!


Whole Wheat Sandwich Flat: Half of this makes the "crust" for your pizza. If you take a whole one, you have crusts for two pizzas.

Mini Container Pizza or Marinara Sauce: Spread a spoonful of this on a sandwich flat half with a spoon.

Mini Container Pepperoni Slices

Mini Container Diced Red Bell Peppers

Mini Container Sliced Mushrooms

Mini Container Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

Spread the sauce on a sandwich flat half with a spoon, and top your pizza with the other toppings, ending with cheese. If you have a microwave, zap it for 30 seconds to a minute, just until the cheese melts. If you don't, it's still good cold.

Medium Container Casear Salad: This is just romaine lettuce, garlic croutons and shaved parmesan.

Mini Container Caesar Dressing

Mini Fruit Pizza: This is a soft sugar cookie spread with strawberry cream cheese spread and topped with assorted fruits, cut up small. In one in the picture, I used sliced strawberries, sliced kiwi fruit, and clementine sections.

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